Latest Travel Warnings

Authorisation of expenses (whilst on your trip):

  1. Medical Quarantine:
    1. You must call +27 11 991 8610 immediately (same day) when you receive a positive test
    2. We must be allowed to book accommodation in a quarantine approved facility
    3. You must consult with a medical doctor to confirm if you have any symptoms and whether treatment is required (before you are placed in quarantine)
  2. Medical Emergency: Accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER) or casualty department.
    1. You, Your travel companion or someone designated by You must phone +27 11 991 8610 immediately when Your condition has been stabilised in the emergency department.
    2. Our liability will be limited to R10,000 if You don't call us for authorisation to be admitted as an inpatient.

Our contact details:

  1. Authorisation of expenses whilst on your trip: +27 11 991 8610
  2. General enquiries (policy related): Please email or call +27 11 351 4531
  3. Claims enquiries (other than when you require authorisation for treatment):

Submit a claim (before or after your trip): Please click “Submit a claim” and follow the steps.